Adeptus Titanicus: Traitor Legios

    42,50 €

    Your guide to using Traitor battlegroups in Adeptus Titanicus

    Includes rules for 16 Titan Legions and 12 Knight Households

    Features Stratagems, allegiance rules, and more

    Adeptus Titanicus: Traitor Legios

    42,50 €


    n anglais.

    When the Warmaster turned against the Emperor of Mankind, dragging the Imperium into civil war, the Titan Legions were also divided. Across the galaxy, Titan Legion turned upon Titan Legion, and worlds quaked beneath their tread. Many Titan Legions followed the Warmaster into treachery, whether out of a desire for power, for access to knowledge forbidden by the Emperor, or simply because their forge world deemed Horus more worthy of its support. Regardless of their motivations, the Traitor Titan Legions proved an indomitable foe, bringing death and destruction down upon

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