Necromunda: The Book of Judgement (Englisch)

    40,00 €

    Delve into the murky world of crime on Necromunda

    Contains rules for fielding Palanite Enforcers...

    ...or your gang can go outlaw by joining a criminal alliance

    Necromunda: The Book of Judgement (Englisch)

    40,00 €


    itte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

    Necromunda is a world rife with lawlessness but the denizens of the underhive know the difference between the ongoing gang squabbles and true crime.

    Expand your games of Necromunda with a wealth of new rules to add even more variety, scope and excitement to your battles in the underhive. With this book you can explore the never-ending conflict between elite officers of the law and the vast criminal organisations and enterprises of Necromunda.


    – Crime

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