House of Blades (Hardback) (Englisch)

    40,00 €

    The definitive guide to all things House Escher

    Explore the background and history of this lethal House

    Contains everything you need to rule the underhive with speed and skill

    House of Blades (Hardback) (Englisch)

    40,00 €


    itte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

    At once ancient and youthful, House Escher has endured far longer than any other Clan House on Necromunda. Since the times of the first Lord Helmawr, they have established their place as a matriarchy built upon a throne of chems and violence. To outsiders, they are cruel and deadly warriors and they do little to disabuse those rumours.

    Get the ultimate guide to House Escher. This 128-page hardback book features the definitive history of the House and rules for fielding the six different types of

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