Dawnbringers: Book I - Harbingers (Englisch)

    32,50 €

    The first book in the Dawnbringers series, launching epic events across two realms

    The glorious Twin-Tailed Crusade is plagued by enemies without and within

    Go on campaign with a Path to Glory battlepack and four Regiments of Renown – plus four new warscroll cards

    Dawnbringers: Book I - Harbingers (Englisch)

    32,50 €


    itte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

    The Dawnbringer Crusades – grand wars to reclaim land under the shadow of Chaos – have struck out across the realms, driven by the resolve of humble folk and the command of the God-King. As the Era of the Beast rages, the lords of Hammerhal prepare a crusade of staggering vision. Yet beyond their walls, champions and instigators rally their legions, while in the corridors of power, corruption festers.

    A rain of despair spreads across the Mortal Realms, and even as Sigmar’s worshippers begin their

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