Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game: Battle Companies (Englisch)

    42,50 €

    A small-scale skirmish expansion for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game in an epub format

    Pit small warbands of warriors against one another in any of 18 different Scenarios

    Expands on the content of the previous version of Battle Companies, adding new material and content only previously available in White Dwarf magazine

    Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game: Battle Companies (Englisch)

    42,50 €


    itte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

    Battle Companies is an expansion to the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game that enables you to assemble small groups of Warriors that, over the course of several games, will progress and develop into your own unique warbands. Create your own Heroes and Villains of Middle-earth, and forge them into legend through the deeds they perform on the battlefield.

    This book contains all of the rules for playing games of Battle Companies, including a host of races and factions, wargear upgrades, equipment

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