Dawn of Fire: The Gate of Bones Book 2 (Paperback) (Anglais)

    17,00 $

    Book 2 of the Dawn of Fire series

    Written by Andy Clark

    The Indomitus Crusade faces Chaos on a shrine world

    Dawn of Fire: The Gate of Bones Book 2 (Paperback) (Anglais)

    17,00 $


    n anglais.

    Book 2 of the Dawn of Fire series

    As the Indomitus Crusade spreads across the Imperium Sanctus, the cardinal world Gathalamor is caught in the grip of war – but when an ancient evil is unearthed, the entire crusade is threatened…

    With the crusade in full flow, get your first look at the full scale of the horrors inflicted upon the Imperium and the determination of Guilliman to defeat them and reunite the Emperor's realm.

    As the Indomitus Crusade

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