Scouring of The Shire™ (epub) (Inglese)

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    Recreate a series of iconic battles pitting Saruman the White – or Sharkey, as he became known – against the Hobbits of the Shire.

    Explore the rich history and background of the Shire to see what’s at stake in this conflict.

    Learn everything you need to know to field an entire army of diminutive but brave Hobbits.


    n anglais.

    Saruman the White, in his rage, decimated the idyllic lands of the Shire in a cruel campaign against a peaceful people. This war became known as the Scouring of the Shire, and it showed Middle-earth once again that Hobbits rise to the occasion when called to fight for what matters most.

    With this expansion for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, you can play through a narrative campaign to represent the battles fought during the Scouring of the Shire. You'll learn about the rich history of the Hobbits, from the founding of the Shire to their deep links with

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