Solar War (Paperback) The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra Book 1 (Anglais)

    11,99 $

    Siege of Terra Book 1

    The beginning of the end for the Horus Heresy

    Written by John French

    Solar War (Paperback) The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra Book 1 (Anglais)

    11,99 $


    n anglais.

    Siege of Terra Book 1

    After years of devastating war, Horus and his forces have arrived at Terra. But before they can set foot on the Throneworld, they must first break the defences of the Sol System. Powerful fleets and cunning defences bar their path – but can anything hope to halt the advance of the Traitor armada?

    The final act of the long-running, bestselling series starts here, with a brutal and uncompromising look at the first stage of the Siege of Terra, the war to conquer the solar

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