Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game - Rules Manual (Anglais)

    50,00 €

    All the core rules for playing games of the Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game, compiled in one book

    Delve into the enchanting world of Middle-earth™ through pages of lore and art

    Narrative, Open, and Matched Play rules as well as sample armies to get you started

    Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game - Rules Manual (Anglais)

    50,00 €


    n anglais.

    The Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game is the tabletop game for two or more players where you play through the events from The Lord of the Rings™ and The Hobbit™ with your collection of Citadel miniatures. Take control of your favourite heroes, villains, and armies, recreate scenes from the movies and books, and gather your forces together to do battle with your opponent in a test of wits and prowess.

    This 224-page hardback rules manual is a comprehensive guide to the hobby of building, painting, and playing games with your models - whether you choose the

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