Kill Team: Chalnath (Book) (Anglais)

    35,00 €

    A gaming supplement for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, and the essential guide for playing with Adepta Sororitas Novitiates and T’au Pathfinder Kill Teams

    Contains background information and full rules for both factions, plus the Chalnath war zone

    Includes nine missions that can be played by any faction

    Kill Team: Chalnath (Book) (Anglais)

    35,00 €


    n anglais.

    Resource-rich and isolated from the other worlds of the Chalnath Expanse, the Vedik System is a worthy target for the T’au Empire. When a lost fleet of Adepta Sororitas unexpectedly arrived in the system, months of trade and negotiation were undone, as the zealous Sisters of Battle took it upon themselves to free Vedik from xenos interference. Now, there is open war. While armies engage in battle, kill teams of T’au Pathfinders and Adepta Sororitas Novitiates clash, fighting to win over the system's populace by spreading the truths of the Greater Good and the Imperial

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