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Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - Aeronautica Imperialis Rulebook (Anglais)

    31,50 €

    Full rules for playing Aeronautica Imperialis

    112 pages of rules, lore, and art for the Legiones Astartes, Legio Custodes, and Divisio Aeronautica

    Play as Loyalists or Traitors in the air wars of the 31st Millenium

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    n anglais.

    For two hundred years, the Imperium of Mankind has laid siege to the galaxy, its all-conquering armies spreading outwards from Terra to unite all humanity under the Emperor's banner. Now, as the galaxy burns in a brutal civil war, the Horus Heresy takes to the skies in the ultimate test of aerial supremacy.

    This Aeronautica Imperialis rulebook provides complete rules for bringing the dogfights and airborne sorties of the Horus Heresy to life on the table, as players pit Loyalist and Traitor aircraft against each other in deadly aerial warfare. It's everything

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