Index: Grey Knights (Englisch)

    € 14,75

    31 cards to help you easily reference all the rules, profiles, and abilities for your Grey Knights army

    Includes full datasheets for every unit available to the Grey Knights

    Plus reference cards for Detachment rules, Enhancements, and Stratagems

    Index: Grey Knights (Englisch)

    € 14,75


    itte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

    The Grey Knights are the lmperium's daemon hunters, a secret Space Marine Chapter of warrior-mystics. Clad in sigil-scribed power armour, they wield archaic weapons to channel their otherworldly abilities.

    This deck of Index: Grey Knights cards will enhance your games from the moment you start playing Warhammer 40,000, giving you hands-on references to all the rules for your faction. The deck includes individual datasheets for every Grey Knights unit, detailing their profiles, wargear, options, and

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