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Gondor™ at War (Englisch)

    € 42,50

    A rules-packed expansion for the Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game

    Includes 29 scenarios, a campaign system and more

    Expand your armies with new profiles and Legendary Legions

    Gondor™ at War (Englisch)

    € 42,50


    itte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

    At the end of the Third Age, Gondor was the greatest remaining land of Men, the last bulwark of might standing against the growing darkness of Mordor. As Sauron's armies were unleashed and the War of the Ring began, it was Gondor that stood against the might of the Orcish hordes and their dark allies. And it was before the gates of the White City, on the Pelennor Fields, that the tides of war would turn, as the rightful king returned and heroes rose and fell…

    This expansion for the Middle-earth

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