The Hollow King (paperback) (Anglais)

    12,50 €

    A Cado Ezechiar novel

    A haunted, noble vampire seeks revenge on the cult that destroyed his kingdom

    Written by John French

    The Hollow King (paperback) (Anglais)

    12,50 €


    n anglais.

    A Cado Ezechiar Novel

    In his first full-length novel, the vampiric anti-hero Cado Ezechiar finds himself caught in a web of war and deceit in the city of Aventhis.

    The cold-hearted Cado Ezechiar is obsessed with revenge and keeping to his strict moral code – can he stay true to himself and avenge those he has lost?

    Cado Ezechiar is a wanderer who has outlived the memory of the age that made him. A Soulblight vampire who accepted the curse as his people

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