Kill Team: Into the Dark (Book) (Anglais)

    35,00 €

    A gaming supplement for Kill Team, and an essential guide to Farstalker Kinband and Imperial Navy Breacher Kill Teams

    Lore and full rules for both factions, plus the dire history of the Gallowdark

    Includes 18 missions, Close Quarters fighting, Gallowdark Expeditions, and killzone rules for space hulk terrain

    Kill Team: Into the Dark (Book) (Anglais)

    35,00 €


    n anglais.

    After thousands of years in the warp, the space hulk Gallowdark has emerged into realspace. This colossal, moon-sized derelict holds enormous wealth for those courageous enough to explore it – and terrifying dangers for those foolhardy enough to step inside. A mercenary Farstalker Kinband of the alien Kroot is first to seek the pick of the plunder, only to be cornered as elite Imperial Navy Breachers storm the hulk. As both kill teams hunt each other through the winding corridors, they realise that their rivals are far from the only danger waiting within…

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