Necromunda: House of Chains (Anglais)

    40,00 €

    The definitive book on all things House Goliath

    Explore the background and history of this savage House

    Contains everything to need to rule the underhive with sheer brute force

    Necromunda: House of Chains (Anglais)

    40,00 €


    n anglais.

    Strength is all for House Goliath. Without the physical strength to dominate rivals or to endure the hardships of Necromunda, a Goliath is nothing. They were created as a slave race to work the refineries and forges of Necromunda and toil in places where even hardy Necromundans could not survive. While the members of the clan are practically abhuman in their size and strength, only fools underestimate their resourcefulness and low cunning. It was the folly of their creators, who believed the Goliaths could be kept docile and ignorant though genetic meddling, that

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