Kill Team: Annual 2022 (Inglés)

    35,00 €

    A Kill Team gaming supplement, collecting iconic kill teams and fresh ways to play

    Full rules and lore for six kill teams, both those from White Dwarf and the Elucidian Starstriders and Gellerpox Infected

    15 missions for matched and narrative play, with sentries, extra players, and last stands

    Kill Team: Annual 2022 (Inglés)

    35,00 €


    olo en inglés.

    The war in the shadows escalates! Amidst ruined cityscapes, carnivorous jungles and hidden strongholds, new kill teams join the fray. From the gruesome Gellerpox Infected to the noble Elucidian Starstriders, each band of warriors brings their own method of war to every desperate battle – in struggles that seem more varied and deadly than ever. Expert assassins and saboteurs slip through patrols of enemy sentries, hoping to complete their bloody tasks and slip away before they are detected, while bands of grizzled warriors faced with impossible odds choose to make

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