Aeronautica Imperialis- Landscape Art - 6

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Night Lords MKVI Heads

  • Expertenset
€ 19,50

Add macabre style to MKVI Legionaries with themed heads for the Night Lords

11 resin heads with a variety of designs

Spread throughout your army to denote special honours, or customise full squads

This resin modelling kit is a collectible item and construction should only be undertaken by expert Warhammer hobbyists aged 15 years and over


he Night Lords are a Legion of terrifying killers, forcing entire populations into surrender through sheer bloody reputation. The VIII Legion erupt from the darkness in a flurry of wanton brutality, draped in the foreboding imagery of death and the creatures of the night. Skull-faced helmet masks are a common adaptation to their armour, with rank often denoted by winged crests in the Nostraman style.

This upgrade kit can be used to customise Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with new heads, trading out the standard beaked helmets for skull-faced terror masks. The kit

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