Aeronautica Imperialis- Landscape Art - 6

Rex Spires and Estus Jet

  • Expertenset
€ 33,50
Rex Spires and Estus Jet
Rex Spires and Estus Jet

Two deadly fighters to get your gang out of a pinch

Bomb your way to the top with the bounty hunter Rex Spires…

… or hire Estus Jet and her collection of toxin-laced blades

This resin modelling kit is a collectible item and construction should only be undertaken by expert Warhammer hobbyists aged 15 years and over

Rex Spires and Estus Jet

€ 33,50


he bounty hunting career of Rex Spires started in the scrapheaps of the underhive. His freedom was delivered in the form of a nearby manufactorum explosion tearing through the hive dome. Three days later he crawled from the rubble, granted clarity from the experience. Now he fashions crude explosives, trying to recapture the feeling and making a living hiring himself out.

As a child, Estus Jet was the only survivor of a Ratskin ambush. The only clue to her identity was a tarnished collar, reading _EST SU_JE_T. She was taken in by the Deep 9 Orphanarium, and taught harsh lessons in

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