Blood Bowl – The Official Rules (Englisch)

    € 42,50

    Meet your rivals across the Line of Scrimmage in the ultimate test of guts and athletic skill

    Streamlined and updated rules make for the most exciting version of the game – ever

    Includes dozens of team, player and Star Player profiles

    Blood Bowl – The Official Rules (Englisch)

    € 42,50


    itte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

    Hello again, sports fans! Blood Bowl – the legendary game of fantasy football – returns for a new season of ultra-violent sports mayhem. The plays are bigger, the hits are harder, and every game will be filled with moments to remember.

    No two matchups are the same. From the moment your team stomps out on the gridiron, your grit, wits, and capacity for grievous violence is put to the test. The action’s fast and furious, but if you keep your head in the game you just might best your opponent and

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